
Parsec soda
Parsec soda

parsec soda


Therefore, if you build this source code into a software, you MUST abide by their terms, which means you are NOT ALLOWED TO SHARE an executable file that uses the Personal API - currently used by this source, more specifically by ParsecSession class. Parsec Soda code is under MIT license, BUT all of the code from Parsec SDK has it's own license, the Parsec SDK License. So if you want to join a room instead of hosting, you still need the official Parsec client to do it (including your own room created with Parsec Soda) - and I recommend you use the official client for testing your Parsec Soda room.

parsec soda

Parsec Soda can create Arcade rooms, but not join them.Parsec Soda is NOT a replacement for the official Parsec client.Parsec Soda has a plethora of Features to assist the Host. I created this tool for my personal use and it has grown too large for me to maintain it by myself, so now I humbly ask this community for help.

parsec soda

Parsec Soda is a custom and open-source Parsec tool dedicated to improve Hosting experience in Parsec Arcade. :mega: Social Discord Server - Parsec Soda Linktree - My personal networks :inbox_tray: DOWNLOAD the newest version from RELEASES tab :thumbsup: Leave a star and fork this repo if you like this project! :wink: The open-source Parsec Arcade hosting tool

Parsec soda